Monday, February 25, 2008

Fantasy Basbeball 2008 Strategy

It's a week before your fantasy baseball draft and you stop by the local magazine stand to pick up a strategy guide that will help you win your league this year. Problem is, there about ten to fifteen different guides and they all promise to be the very best. as you parouse each you find that each one has a different player ranking from the next. Which is right? The answer is easy, all of them. None of them. Regardless of who has Hanley Ramirez ranked No. 2 ahead of powerhouse Pujols, it's really the draft strategy that will win you the league come draft day. Ahead, I will lay out my strategy... and each week, day, game, i'll update this blog so you'll be able to see how great this strategy really was. Each day leading up to my leagues draft i'll post positional player rankings along with my overall top 200 players. Feel free to email questions, suggestions, trade proposal reviews etc.

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